
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Pala Life Past & Present Episode 14, Donald Jameson Part 2
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
In this episode my conversation went to Mr. Jameson's war stories. We discuss his friendship with Ferdinand Imelda Marcos and their experiences in WWII. He shares stories behind his many Medals that he was awarded.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
Pala Life Past & Present, Episode 7, Richard Mojado
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
In this show I have a conversation with Richard "Oonie" Mojado about the game of Peon. He talks about where he learned it and some of the players from different areas.

Friday Aug 23, 2019
Pala Life Past and Present Episode 53 with Bill Howatt
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Episode 53 with Bill Howatt
I had a great conversation with Retired Judge Bill Howatt. Bill has spent a large part of his life researching what he call the "History of the Bench and the Bar". This conversation was about the removal of the Kupa People from their homeland in the Warner's Springs area to Pala, California.

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Pala Life Past and Present Episode 44, Conversation with Jane Hill
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
In this episode I share a Traditional Bird Song by Raul Crissman sung Baron Long Style. I also would like to share a conversation with Professor Jane Hill. Professor Hill worked with Rosenda Nolasquez and created the book "Mulu Wetam". This work was started in 1960 and the book was completed around 1971. She talks about the role William Bright played in her life and training from Katherine Saubel. Please enjoy and hopefully appreciate what an incredible woman she was.

Monday Nov 20, 2017
Pala Life Past and Present Episode 17, Jane Mojado Discussing WWII,
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
In this episode i have another conversation with Jane Blackmon and we discuss what the Pala Indian Reservation was like during WWII. This conversation includes the rubber shortage and food rationing. "Aunt Jane's" upbeat personality just makes for a truly enjoyable conversation. She also speaks about family that comes to visit on horseback and in wagons even in the forties.

Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
In this episode I have a conversation with Jane (Mojado) Blackmon. We discuss her childhood on the Pala Indian Reservation. This conversation happened in January so we discuss her memories of Christmas and the Holidays. We also discuss how the holidays of today are different. This is an awesome journey as we see the history of Pala through the eyes of Jane Blackmon, or Aunt Jane as she is affectionately called.

Monday Aug 07, 2017
Pala Life Past and Present #48_Inter-Tribal Youth 2017_Marc Chavez
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Monday Aug 07, 2017
The Inter Tribal Youth program is in its 17th year. Marc Chavez is an enthusiastic leader and mentor. In this interview we discuss the past, present and future of this program through the eyes of the youth that are in the program. We are introduced to a wonderful Hawaiian Chant. Enjoy!

Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Pala Life Past and Present featuring Gilbert Mojado Part One
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
This episode of Pala Life Past and Present has an interview with Gilbert Mojado a nonagenarian from the Pala Indian Reservation. He talks about the different schools that he attended. The schools included grade school, elementary, high school and trade schools. He also relates some experiences in the military. This episode also includes a song by Paul Miranda called Nangexchim Taniwe. (The men are dancing) Sit back and take a trip into the past with Pala Life Past and Present

Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Pala Life Past and Present Episode 40, Featuring author George H Phillips
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
This episode of Pala Life Past and Present includes an interview with the author George Harwood Phillips. Mr. Phillips wrote many books however in 1974 he wrote a book called "Chiefs and Challengers". In 2014, he completed a revised edition of the 1974 book. The book is about Indian Resistance and Cooperation in Southern California, 1769 to 1906. The first book covered a period up to 1863. In the interview he discusses his reasons for writing the book.
I also have a story by Rosinda Nolasques. the story is called "The Coyote and the Wolf". It is told in the beautiful Pa'enaxily Language. You can find this story in the book "Mulu'Wetam".
The show ends with a song by the Inter-tribal Bird Singers. This song was recorded at Haskell Indian Nations University.

Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Pala Life Past and Present - Leroy Riggs Episode 41 (SDPress 2015 entry)
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Today's show I have a conversation with Leroy Riggs. He is retired Navy and had served on the USS Midway, which is docked at San Diego Harbor. We discuss his life and his idea to get cable on the Pala Indian Reservation. In the 1970's Pala was one of the first tribes to have its own Cable TV System.